Six guests are invited to a dinner party thrown by an anonymous host. They are given aliases -- Colonel Mustard, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock, Professor Plum, and Miss Scarlet. Though discouraged from revealing personal information, it is soon discovered that all of them have fallen victim to the same blackmailer, their very host of the evening. Each is presented with a weapon and an option: pay their extortionist double, or kill the innocent butler. What follows is a madcap, slapstick evening full of murder, mystery, and laughs as they seek to puzzle out the culprit amongst criminals. Be there or... beware
Wadsworth - William Haywood
Yvette - Ciara Maré
Miss Scarlet - Alex Carter
Mr.Green - William Wallace
Mrs. Peacock - Annabelle Keys
Professor Plum - Tim Guy
Mrs. White - Zara Ramathas
Colonel Mustard - Michael Woods
Ensemble Female - Rose Paterson
Ensemble Male - Seung Huh
Production Team
Production Team
Directors - Caitlyn O’Rourke & Barrett Robb
Producer - Daniel Mathers
Technical Director - Jacob Patchett
Stage Management - Matthew Farnell
Photography & Design - Abbie Berry
Costumes - Barrett Robb
Opens 18th March and runs for three performances (18, 20, 21). Performances start at 7:30 pm in the Ngaio Marsh Theatre, the foundry will be open selling drinks every night.
General Admission - $17
Unwaged/Students - $14
DramaSoc Members - $12