
The University of Canterbury Drama Society Incorporated

We're a student society, that doubles as a theatre company, with almost 100 years of experience running shows, festivals, and general hi-jinks. We aim to produce quality shows, promote a safe space to give theatre a go, and support drama and performing arts in the wider Christchurch community.

Frequently Asked Questions



What is DramaSoc?

DramaSoc is the resident Dramatic club on campus! Each year we put on a combination of fully budgeted stage-plays, smaller performances like 3SOME or A Day 2 Play, and do regular improvised theatre. DramaSoc is perfect for those people who love acting, those who love comedy, those who love community projects and those who haven't yet figured out that they love any of the above. We encourage everyone to give DramaSoc a go! If you want to know more, click here.

What does being a member mean?

Membership just lets us know that you're interested in what we do. It also means you get a copy of The Periodic Performer (our monthly newsletter). Membership may additionally entitle you to discounted tickets to some of our shows.

How much does it cost to be a member?

Absolutely nothing!!!

How do I sign up?

Click here to head to our sign-up page and enter all the required details.

How do I stay up-to-date with what DramaSoc is doing?

We have a monthly newsletter called The Periodic Performer that contains details about everything that we're planning for the month. We also keep this website current on our larger events. For more up-to-date and regular information, it's best to like and follow our Facebook Page. For opportunities to get involved, join the DramaSoc Community on Facebook.

When are your weekly meeting times?

Currently our regular meetings exist only as our casual improv group, Say What?. We meet on Tuesdays at 7:30 in the Living Room to practice and perform improv comedy. Say What? is open to everyone, even those who've never tried improv before!

When is your next show?

We almost always have some sort of show in the works! Check out our Facebook page or flick us an email at contact@dramasoc.org.nz for details at any time.

I'm not a student. Can I still be a part of a DramaSoc production?

You absolutely can, just keep an eye out for our audition events so you don't miss an opportunity to get involved.

I wrote a script and think it'll look better on stage. How do I make this happen?

Depending on the length of your script we have a couple of options for you! If it's a full-length play then you should submit a proposal to do it as a major show. If we like your proposal we can help you get the show budgeted, set, costumed, rehearsed and put on stage! (see The Lazarus Lottery) If it's a bit shorter then you should look out for our annual event 3SOME, where we take 3 original one-act plays and put them on in only 3 weeks! If you have any questions about how to make it work you can always send us an email at contact@dramasoc.org.nz.

I'm a Techie, how do I get myself involved in a show?

Sign up here, and note the areas you’re interested in. We'll email everyone on that list when we're looking for techies. If you're interested in design, it's also worth keeping an eye on the DramaSoc Community. When directors are looking for designers for their shows, they tend to post there.

How do I check if I'm on the membership/life-membership/alumni list(s)?

The easiest way to do that is to flick an email to our Secretary (secretary@dramasoc.org.nz).

How do I lay a formal complaint?

The constitution (which can be found here) contains information about laying a formal complaint. If you need help, you can email the Secretary (secretary@dramasoc.org.nz), or, if the complaint is about the Secretary, the President (president@dramasoc.org.nz). If the complaint is about the Committee or Society as a whole, go to the UCSA.


Still have a burning question?

See all the ways to contact us here:

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